Moreover, it needs to develop autonomy to relativize, to preserve, to redimensionar and to transform the constituent aspects of practical the pedagogical one. For this, it is basic that the professor in formation also lives deeply the moment of the descontextualizao (BRAVE, 2003). The proposal of insertion of the New technologies of information and communications (NTIC? s), divided in a conception of society educational paradigm; the many attempts of insertions of the NTIC? s in the education process? learning as a whole known as NTIC? s distributed by the modalities of actual formation and in the distance (EAD) in the measure where the supports if adjust the necessities and contents. The exercise of the evaluation favors the problematizao and the reflection, essential factors for the exploration of these aspects. The set of clippings verified concerning the Formation of the Professor, the attempt of incorporation of the NTIC? s practical the pedagogical ones can thus certify the thematic relevance of privileged the bibliographical verification, are important, therefore explicit that the searches designated I finish to it of the previous section they send to a discursiva dimension. The movement of configuration of the studies in this source tends to identify to the effort of the union between the communication and the education in the Formation of Designers. Of the point of view of this article, the choice this marked in the heading: evaluation of design institucional in the educative pedagogia of the individuals. The trend is excellent if to interiorizar and regionalizadora in order to indicate the relevance of the importance of the cultural products, In this ticket of the visible one for the appearance, if makes necessary to recognize e, in certain way, to integrate three modalities of treatment: the visual document as register produced for the observer; the visual document as register or part of the observvel, in the observed society; e, finally, the interaction enters observed observer and.