The IMPORTANCE OF AUGUST TECHNOLOGIES ASSISTIVAS EVERSON YOU MARK SUMMARY the inclusion is a subject very argued currently, therefore all independent individual to have some deficiency or is not carrying of a series of rights that must be respected by all, mainly what says respect to an education of quality. However what constrange many deficient ones, is the dependence of another person to carry through routine activities of day-by-day or its work, therefore the present article has as objective to analyze the importance of the Assistivas Technologies, as tool to provide to the person with deficiency bigger independence, quality of life and social inclusion, through the magnifying of its communication, mobility, control of its environment, abilities of its learning and work. For the elaboration of this work it was carried through bibliographical research on studies inside of this perspective, therefore nowadays if it has argued very on the subject Assistivas Technologies, and the present work will go to display that these tools must be understood as resolution of functional problems in a perspective of development of the potentialities human beings, positive valuation of desires, abilities, expectations and of the quality of life. The diverse modalities of Assistivas Technologies include resources of alternative communication, of accessibility to the computer, activities of daily life, orientation and mobility, postural adequacy, adaptation of vehicles, rteses and prteses, among others. Word-key: Inclusion, autonomy and tools. INTRODUCTION the education of pupils with educative necessities special that, traditionally if pautava in a model of segregated attendance, if has come back in last the two decades toward the Inclusive Education. This proposal gained force, over all from the second half of the decade of 90, with the diffusion of the known Declaration of Salamanca (UNESCO, 1994), that among others points, consider that ' ' the children and young with educative necessities special they must have access to the regular schools, that they must adjust ' ' , therefore such schools ' ' they constitute half the capable ones to fight the discriminatory attitudes, constructing an inclusive society and reaching the education for all ' ' (P. .