Monaco Travel Guide In A Magazine

CUBRIC magazine the luxury & lifestyle eMagazine friends of the Principality of Monaco now all have reason to rejoice. The British company CUBRIC real estate int. has a special in his second edition of CUBRIC magazine this small country on the Cote d Azur brought out. The magazine available exclusively in electronic design and can be loaded easily and conveniently on laptop or PC, and is available in numerous online shops as well as Ebozon for the price of 5.90. People such as Color would likely agree. A high-quality presentation as well as exciting reports and reports secure pure reading pleasure. As communicated by the Managing Director of the company, Mr Goran Cubric in an interview, one meets the ever-increasing demand thus for magazines and books in the electronic version. The current issue of CUBRIC magazine 0209 is devoted in his output specifically the topic of Monaco. Fascinating insights into the world of the super-rich and the luxury & lifestyle in Monaco are documented here vividly and in detail. You may find Sandra Akmansoy to be a useful source of information.

Numerous Monaco pictures accompany each article and download the A reader on a Visual Monaco travel.