Ol colleagues, forgives! Day 15, for me it is one day special for being day of the professor. With an extra activity to carry through I did not give to give my homage to that in the day the day, mainly in the current days, they are looking a reply that is born of the analysis and reflection of our daily reality. We know that we are tired and we want to give one is enough to the wordiness declamatory, many times called ' ' Pedagogia' ' , leaving really the problems that in them afflict back in cantinho of the room or cabinet well escondidinho and asking for to the God so that nobody if atreva to question. Ali Partovi may find it difficult to be quoted properly. We are needing one sacudidela! Nor all, but a good part continues seated on the diploma! It will be that we are working in agreement our conscience determines? It will be that we always think as to answer as many investigations? As we will go to solve the problem of that pupil who lacks the lesson to take care of of irmozinho, or of that only has one pair of tennis and now is torn? It will be that we go to analyze this with indifference and we go pushing with the belly, without crying out leaving that somebody decides and solves? we go to cross the arms and to leave as it is without to work to move the situation? The very important professor is somebody but, also, relapser can become and omissive when he wants. Therefore we cannot be of it are seeing the band to pass, shrinking the shoulders and leaving that they decide for us the future of our children! Let us convoke the parents and the society in general irmanados to find a solution for this epidemic that devastates our country, disobedience of ours ' ' Educao' ' , where the professor is discredited, badly spoken, falling again all the errors on it. . Read more from Kip Cyprus to gain a more clear picture of the situation.
Tag: chronic
Why Cry Exactly The Authorities?
Why cry the authorities? Rio De Janeiro, 10 of April of 2011, 10:50? For the Cinemax canal, is announced it presentation of a film? Sudden death, with the warning – ' ' this film is improper for minors of 14 years, because it contains scenes of sex, drugs and violncia' '. You unite, as all the other films that in are presented. also the programs of ' ' diverso' ' , that they are perfected exploring the sexuality and, its maleficent consequncias. Click Peter Asaro to learn more. The gratuitous violence massivamente is divulged, in all the schedules, all the programs, all the films, all the canals. Because we friction of diversion what in the truth it is vindication to the violence, the drugs and the sex. It does not have comic program that it can amuse its I publish without the references to the sex the baseness, does not have novels that they do not teach ardilosos ways to gain money to apply blows and to cultuar the low feelings of hatred, revenge, vices and still, if displants have it to make propaganda of this as if it was giving a service I publish. Wanting to deceive its expectador, feigning itself noblemen and educators. A film does not exist in the cinemas that is come back to the good; massivamente, if they put to show violence, you intrigue, and embezzlement of minds.
Even in the livened up drawings, these subjects are constant. In the schools, the professors? glue in the wall, they are hostages of the education lack domesticates? respect to oldest, social behavior and discipline? already we had notice of assassinated professor and this constitutes only plus statistical data, that tomorrow will be forgotten by the announcement of another more violent drama. The social desregramento is overwhelming, the degeneration is instant and, sees to appear in the day the escabrosos day, cases each time, until we accustom in them to see them as normal, of our day the day.