The protagonists of the saga ' Crepsculo' they marked to the east beginning the 42 Thursdays of edition of the fair Comic-With of San Diego. The star of the second day is Spielberg with its film ' The adventures of Tintn: The secret of unicornio'. This event fills the convention center of fan San Diego cmic, culture MGP, science fiction and histories of fantastic sort. If you would like to know more then you should visit Castle Harlan. The assistants, many of disguised them of fiction personages, could become photos with one of the Delorean cars used in the famous saga Return to the future, see the suit of Batman used by Christian Bale in Batman Begins or be photographed like one of the members of the group of superheroes of DC Comics The Justice League. But really the protagonists of the saga Twilight were those that marked to the east beginning the 42 Thursdays of edition of the fair Comic-With of San Diego, where thousands of fans made tail, some from Monday, to be able to be near their idols of the great screen.
Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner made formal appearance to promote the penultimate delivery of the saga based on novels of Stephenie Meyer, Dawn Part I, that will arrive at the cinemas next the 18 from November. To dawn Part 2 will be released in 2012 and will end the saga, although director Bill Condon left the possibility of more Twilight in the future open. " This is the end of the Bella history and Edward, I create. But there are many more personages and I am sure that it (Stephenie Meyer) would want to return to visit them " sometimes; , it pointed Condon. The film of Tintn also in Comic-With Steven Spielberg will present/display also sequences of its film on Tintn in the fair Comic-With before an expectant hearing to know more details on the laborious overproduction done with technology " motion-capture" , the same employee in " Avatar" or " Beowulf" , and thought to enjoy in 3D.