Advantages of each system of irrigation for gardens and plantations decide which irrigation system is the most appropriate will depend on type of garden or planting have, extension and the climate in which is situated. Irrigation systems are distinguished by the way they release the water. There are three main types of irrigation within which there are some variants. The first system and more popular is that of drip irrigation. The water circulates to pressure within the pipe and is released through small holes, at a rate of 2 to 16 litres/hour.
Wide as olivares plantation or fruit plantations cultures used this system, greenhouses and some crops online like cotton or potato. The installation may be on surface or underground, approximately 20 to 70 cm. As difficulty or disadvantage of this system is clogging of the holes and the difficult to detect what are affected. The second system is the watering stations piped. Used in crops with short distance between plants, and for irrigation are they use irrigation pipes and exudative pipes.
The third system is known as irrigation by micro diffusion and micro sprinkler. Micro sprinklers, diffusers micro / micro jets are used for irrigation. The water is distributed in form of fine rain and the scope and flow rate depends on the type of issuer. Suitable for arable crops and woody crops. Meeting on the equilibrium between soil and plant Flowers and flowers and plants in Madrid Flowers and plants: Magazine online meeting on the equilibrium between soil and plant Flowers and La Cala Golf INVIERTE Riversa Blog advantages of each system of irrigation for gardens and plantations advantages of each system of irrigation for gardens and plantations advantages of each system of irrigation for gardens and plantations