
It does not have nothing that torments plus a Manager or desmotive an employee when the attribution of the SENIORIDADE of somebody clear or criteriosamente is not criteriosamente defined: why I still am Jnior and until when? what I must make to become me a professional Senior? for goes there ….. Official site: isearch. Please, let us prevent the perpetual refro: ' ' my time of house or experience is minor who of mine colega' '. It will be that experience is the only ability to define SENIORIDADE? They pardon me the defenders of this idea, but I find that not! We go to establish since the principle two basic rules. A related site: Dave Clark Amazon mentions similar findings. First: the SENIORIDADE is always of the person and never of the position. It does not have the position Analyst of RH Jnior but, yes, the professional little ' ' competente' ' (in the direction to possess few abilities) that it occupies this position. It competes to this professional incorporating abilities: more knowledge, more experience, more abilities enable that it to exhibit a higher level of SENIORIDADE.

Second: we have that to have one parameter to be able to compare What the position requires for its enough performance and What the occupant offers to take care of to this performance. This means to say that we cannot speak in objetividade in the definition of SENIORIDADE standards if, before, the profile or specifications of the position will not be established. Profile of the position to the set of abilities is called (mannering techniques and) that the occupant must congregate for the adequate performance of the position: if to take care of we will have them a FULL professional, if to surpass we will have them a professional SENIOR, QUALIFIED or SPECIALIZED, if to locate itself below appears the figure of the TRAINEE or JNIOR. The profile which we relate in them is a by-product of the Evaluation of the Positions of the company and the stage most important of its process of estruturao of the functions and careers.

Digital Interference

Expanded scene: Digital interference of medias and technologies in the theater contemporary. Janailton Saints 1 To the way of a caleidoscpio, styles of representation and different medias continuously is integrated to the theater new presented contemporary a poetical one of the scene. This irradiation for the medias and the diverse possibilities of manuscript and interaction on the part of them, becomes the task of the quarrel concerning a miditico theater a prompt necessity front the epfania of forms of representation in a globalizado world. The advent of the technology, such which its interference in the field of the Real, suggests to the citizen after-modern one radical spalling in diverse sectors of its existence, where this, and all its manifestations of expressividade tend if to adjust to its ' ' agora' ' to mainly give solution to the gigantic contingent of information generated and shared in this age through the Internet. Michael Dell does not necessarily agree. The transformations suggested here point with respect to an increasing modification in the field of artistic creation, where the scenic arts if show as a potential in capacity of interaction between fields. Since Greece, the teatrais events present possibilities of hibridizao with regard to tools that improve its speech, a classic example that permeia this idea is in the Former God, who in unusual way was introduced suddenly to the drama to give continuity to the narrative.

In the Greek theater it had many parts that finished with a god being literally lowered by a derrick until the place of the stage. This god then moored all the untied tips of history. Revolutions that go appearing throughout the history of the theater in the direction to reaffirm to each innovation technique its hybrid potential, make to appear a diversity of contexts that can be observed throughout its development. In the simbolista chain the agreement that considered that the new theater could not resemble it a photograph of the daily one, as was the formula of the realistic theater impulsinou transformations, and made with that the space of palco suffered revolutionary changes, the scene would have to evoke images and to originate the action of the light in the new concept of scenic space, what it became primordial, therefore, from the light games, configure volumes and shades modifying the notion of space and time in palco.

Italian Expressions

All the countries have expressions sufficiently amused, but that to the eyes of that they are of it are can thus not be so amused, therefore many of the times are not understood. Italy is not exception, you can here find some expressions related with food. It is not to be admired, therefore he is parents with a great alimentary culture. Here they are some expressions: ' ' E' buono eats one pezzo di pane' ' Literal translation: Here this a good bread bit What it really means: It is a good person ' ' Rendere pan to per focaccia' ' Literal translation: To give a in exchange for focaccia bread What it really means: Eye for eye. To pay for that we made. ' ' vere sale in zucca' ' Literal translation: Much salt in pumpkins. What it really means: To be intelligent ' ' liscio andato tutto eats l' olio' ' Literal translation: it is soft as the oil What it really means: &#039 ran everything without problems; ' L' ho comprato to per un tozzo di pane' ' Literal translation: I bought this for one bread piece What it really means: It was an excellent business, more cheap of what &#039 was the wait; ' I always know in mezzo eats il prezzemolo' ' Literal translation: You this always in the way it way as the parsley What it really means: You this touching in subjects that are not of its interest ' ' Tenero eats il burro' ' Literal translation: it is soft as butter What it really means: The meat is sufficient tenra dolce eats lo zucchero' ' Literal translation: Candy as sugar What it really means: A person who explains everything with sufficient detail ' ' Pieno sleep eats un uovo' ' Literal translation: I am full as an egg What it really means: I am full, I do not obtain to eat more nothing (very usual when somebody this trying to place more food in its plate. ' ' Avere il prosciutto sugli occhi' ' Literal translation: To have fiambre in the eyes What it really means: To be incapable to see the truth Knows more on tourist points of Rome in Italy..


The wait of an ideal scene all demonstrates lack of vision of and an immense wastefulness of time. She is necessary to act always, to use the available tools the time all, so that our necessities and problems are not accumulated and with this the more distant solutions are each time, while the excessively competitor ones follow in front, although the difficulties. They with certainty will not be waiting the perfect conditions to act. It is always time and moment to act. To delay decisions waiting that tomorrow they can be more easy of being taken or that they will occasion better effect is a serious error, that only makes to accumulate wallet of ' ' action to implantar' '. Amongst the tools of a manager who commands its sail-boat-company, if those cannot leave of side that are basic for the moments of little wind: It reviews the strategies looking at for the scene, competitors and its positionings. This can be the alias process to re-position its mark and its products, to fidelizar old customers or to gain new adepts for its mark. A plan business-oriented can be important, as well as a new planning of marketing.

With the alteration of the strategies, if they must modify the corresponding processes, so that the theoretical definitions arrive at practical, the always intent ones for the possibilities to reduce activities, its costs and expenditures. If it gains in resources and results. Oxigene the company, through a new culture of comprometimento and participation, with people whom they know to interact and to consider innovative solutions that take the new products and differentiated services. It repairs as the mesmice took account of many segments of the retail, surmountings and in the sales points.What such to think about a organizacional reorganization? Strategies, processes and people form a so important tripod for its company, how much helm, candles and bilge keels for its boat. and it does not advance to imagine that they can be manejados not to be of form absolutely integrated.

Both the sets always must be monitored and be adjusted to each moment. If we will be to wait the perfect conditions of wind to botar the foot in the water, is better nor to take off the boat of the hangar. There we go to be in the edge admiring those that had fulfilled the regatta and in lamenting of our results.

ABNT Resources

(It is seen, in annex 1, relation of Sites suggested in classroom). Made this, it was argued collectively, in classroom, a script of the project, with its main topics (Identification; Introduction; Objectives; Justification; Theoretical Referencial; Metodolgicos procedures; Cronograma; Consideraes Final and References). In the end of the period of learning semester, each group will have to deliver to the typed material in accordance with the norms of the ABNT and also to make a presentation of the research, with interactive resources and multimedia. In elapsing of the lessons of the semester, always in the end of each lesson some minutes for exchanges of information, clarification of doubts and steps are private. One gives credit that with use of this strategy the pupils can exercise the exploration of the resources offered for the Internet and discover that many possibilities exist to be explored and worked with the children in alfabetizao classroom.

Moreover, future pedagogas/teachers will be able, also, to improve the research of the theoretical referencial that supports practical the pedagogical one. Thus, a new possibility of construction of new didactic materials is created, with the aid of the digital resources, facilitating the alfabetizao of children, who since early interact with new medias, in natural way. One of the lessons was carried through in the laboratory of Computer science, where the groups had developed an daily pay-activity, exploring some possibilities in the site. All had been magic with the available resources, such as videos, varied games, assembly of tirinhas and others. To motivate the participation of the pupils better, nothing of what provoking them with challenges and questionings that they demand, for its solution, research online, in colaborativo way, giving possibility of that they demonstrate its abilities in the use of available technological resources. The paper of the professor, as mediating, is of basic importance, therefore it represents the interlocutor in this colaborativa dimension of learning anchored for the interatividade.