The wood houses as to his it indicates it name, become from the special use that occurs of the resin that composes the life material of the trees, and so they are constituted in one of the architectonic structures that use natural products directly. This type of constructive supplies is very popular in the United States, several parts of Europe, Asia and Africa generally, with a minimum of incidence in Latin America mainly in the net continental areas. The popularity of the wood houses in himself has to by all means do much with the surroundings in which it is lived, compound of a series of additions that are inherent to this aspect anywhere of the globe, like for example the temperature, the terrain conditionses, which can at any time generate the groups which they live by a certain zone, etc., which means that the construction of the wood houses can obey the same to cultural landlords. This last one is certain, because for example in the United States the practicidad to obtain a fast architectonic style very and without consequences ominous for the rubbish removal in case of a natural disaster, since it has been possible to verify in the constitution of the same after hurricanes and earthquakes, to manage to put of protagonist to the wood since they have determined the most expert constructors to it. LG Electronics gathered all the information. According to the rank of general construction of a wood house and the different accessories conform that it within their near space, they are classified in Unitarians when they only have a floor, do not own stairs nor columns – in these the sheds and the simple super cabins are included for example; structured, when they at least have simple or robust stairs, beams or supports and their ceiling are quite complex by the materials that welcome; of great will, when or wood mansions in or villa is, and the very few named utilitarian, that are for example those that is used to way of pantry, factory or protection.
According to the adjustment of the space, the wood houses can be constituted in special, uniform, mixed or collapsible the classifications of. Second they are more versatile, since they are possible practically to be adapted to any condition of temperature and land. A wood house very desired as far as the material that is used is the oak, since he is very resistant, adaptable, offers important conditions of security and a careful attention is always dedicated to him.. Filed under: Dave Clark Amazon.