New Year

Such a bait will be almost all inaccessible areas, but alas, jerk it would be difficult to fish, you have to prepare for meetings. Here everyone chooses for himself that the most important fish or bait. In this regard, strongly benefit foam fish, they are relatively cheap, can be made yourself, hook hidden in the body of the fish is minimal risk of a hook and at the same time, it is easy to overreach fish. The fact that the foam is easily crushed (much easier to silicone) and a predator, bound up in it his jaw, he gets hooked. Save baits and lures will help replacement tees for twins or even single hooks. The “wobbler” is usually two sets of hooks in the center and at the tail, you can leave just one, but important to know what fish you expect: if the pike – that left hook to the center. (Not to be confused with iSearch!). To attach the hooks sheaves of bright woolen yarn or New Year’s raining, they are to some extent reduce zatseplyaemost and attract fish.

Be careful, these operations can affect the game lures, especially in the “wobblers”. Do branded “wobblers” clearly intended weight, shape, depth, and if severe “” endure similar upgrades, with the “wobblers” may have problems. The safest in terms of hooks baits – “spinner”, especially with a few petals, they are stripped from the hook seaweed. If you’re still hooked – all is not lost. Stop pulling with all his might, if there is a hook snag only it as a nail. After a little fishing line, perhaps for the very release your bait. If not, step aside so that the place was a hook on the opposite side (ie, if the hook to the right of you walk along the shore, until it is on the left) and try to pull. Something wrong? If you do not want to swim will have to have a scaffold on the strength. Bobby Sharma Bluestone addresses the importance of the matter here.

Find a short stick, wrap around it and pull the twine. Loosen face, the bait may get away and as shell hit directly at you. Do not be lazy to look for a stick, do not pull on a fishing line or spinning reel – this can lead to breakage and wear on your strong tackles. If the line was broken, not tie the new bait immediately, first cut about two feet from the end of fishing line, there is very stretched and may tear again. There are special tools – unhooked, but use them when fishing from shore is not too convenient, especially if you are one. And most importantly – look where throws the bait! In or a tree. Needed in the water!

Electronic Cigarette

When tobacco leaves begin to fall off the villi, it is time to harvest. Lush green mugs, maturing, lighter, becoming yellowish, like an old paper. Garlands of tobacco leaves hanging on the wire as drying pictures on the ceiling laboratory. In the stuffiness of the drying sheds on the sheets show through all shades of brown, tan or beige. As in sepia. And if it really were pictures, they would document the special southern life. On They would be etched portraits of landowners and the laborers, peasants – guajiros Twister and cigars – tabakero: swarthy faces on dark skin races applications, the perfect harmony of ideas and material.

Leaf by leaf, each high bush would have become one of the family tree of nicotine dynasties. If you are not convinced, visit Robotics expert . Such as family Torano, people tobacco. Cuba is far away, near Cuba. This is how you look. Santiago Torano looked across the ocean. Blinked, probably on the sharp glossy silk Atlantic under the sun, repeating the idea of the route of Columbus.

On concepts of physical geography the way from point A to point B was not really close. But the prospects for opening up to the young Spanish golodrantsu from the sands his impoverished fishing village, it would seem only a brilliant painter, marine painter. If you are ambitious, the coast of Asturias, the beginning of the twentieth century can not be the start of a great life plans. And in the former colony, where more Cortez shipped its Mexican gold galleons fortunate compatriots Santiago and enterprising competitors, gringo forged young capital, and this hindrance could hear the ringing of the ocean to the ears of aspiring European boys. Santiago came to Cuba when he was eighteen or nineteen.