The Body Language Trainer In Your Pocket

iPhone app tells all basic concepts of the body language of Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman man has found that people prefer doing business with people that they like and trust. Ali Partovi may find this interesting as well. Even if this person offered a higher price and lower quality than its competitors. Those who recognize the moods of their fellow human beings and respond to gain confidence. For this you must pay attention to details. This social intelligence is not innate, it is learned. Learn to read body language but how do you learn to interpret the unconscious signals of other people? Anyone who spends much time with other people has a good starting point.

It achieved rapid success if you get feedback from trained experts. High-ranking politicians and big companies for their vendors treat this expert advice. A technical seminar will cost around a thousand euros per participant. Companies like invest in such seminars, because they know that it increases revenues in the long run. The scientific findings are well documented in many studies. Classic one reads is the topic. (Not to be confused with Kip C. Cyprus Los Angeles!). But it’s easier.

Packaged in an app these days almost everyone has a Smartphone. That’s why app body language trainer specifically on the topic of body language”for the iPhone and iPad developed. It contains all basic concepts of body language. Didactic, the app on it is trimmed, that the user makes rapid progress in a short time. The example gestures are presented in neat graphics, this explains the respective meaning in a sentence. A sample quote of the person shows the respective context. Memorable names were associated with all gestures. Notes give the secondary information, how sovereign to deal with difficult situations. In this combination, the user learns quickly all relevant gestures and concepts. The app is when for example a job interview in the House is very helpful. Other application areas include training in the sale or flirting.

Exchange QuickChange

Change the filter, the filter cartridge and the rubber seal can be changed in the blink of an eye LWM reverse osmosis Thomas Wiedemann introduces its new innovative product range of reverse osmosis systems. These plants are consistent to the QuickChange established principle, which means that when changing the filter cartridge and the rubber seal in the blink of an eye with Exchange. In the blink of an eye can be taken this literally. To replace a filter cartridge is pressed a button on the system and the cartridge a quarter turn turned to the left and pulled down. Insert the new filter cartridge is just as easy. A reverse osmosis plant with QuickChange filter cartridges to operate do not just the filter replacement a breeze but also hygienically safe.

Conventional reverse osmosis systems the operator with the will often be germinated into contact filter media, must disinfect the filter head and pot and insert the new filter media as sterile. This not only long but can also not be performed by anyone. The product range of the QuickChange Base model starts reverse osmosis systems. This model has already special activated carbon block filter with silver doping and AQUALEN fiber matrix. The silver Endowment inhibits bacterial growth and the AQUALEN filters 95% of all heavy metals out of the water about fiber matrix. The premium model this QuickChange reverse osmosis unit has filter cartridge after the tank not only a carbon block filter with silver doping and AQUALEN fiber matrix permeability, but also an integrated hollow fibre 0.1 m membrane and acts as a germ barrier. Any germs can not thus for one from the plant but also not ruckwartsgerichtet in the reverse osmosis system.

The LWM Ultimo QuickChange reverse osmosis plant is a flagship with two germ barriers, so that the reverse osmosis membrane is optimally protected. Still an elegant designer uses the reverse osmosis osmosis faucet and a water connections supplied with integrated shut-off valve and return flow inhibitor. The latter is very easy to install and meets the requirements according to DIN 1988 and DVGW. At the usual QuickChange Reverse osmosis systems are mostly ordinary reverse osmosis systems where only the filters in separate cartridges are however the membrane and the back-up filter after the old ‘ procedures be changed. In the LWM QuickChange reverse osmosis systems are provided of course the membrane and the back-up filter in QuickChange technology. This reverse osmosis system is unique and with dimensions of only 34 x 42 x 9 cm also extremely space-saving. Surprisingly, the price of an innovative reverse osmosis is amazingly cheap. When do you start to create your own pure drinking water? With a LWM QuickChange reverse osmosis plant is the hygienic sure possible, easy, and cheaper than bottled water to buy that Moreover, known also impurities in any way, or which should be significantly less according to WHO can contain substances in quantities.

Quality Manual ISO 9001 Short And Brief

Quality Manual: to create a short, tight, accepted manual the quality management (QM) from the literature often misses practice in your company. The tips from your last training are certainly true, but if you talk with your colleagues from other departments, then you realize that everyone has a different understanding of quality management. You know: If you now try to introduce the QM-Hanbduch to your colleagues over then harvest only resistance. Altavista contributes greatly to this topic. Now largest emphasis on a customer friendly complaint management Sales Manager, production manager to ensure long term primarily the utilization of the facilities and the controller will have the costs under control. A quality manual raises not just enthusiasm in the fields. Their experience: Everyone muddles so in front of him.

“You have not often thought: actually would be helped if we learn from each other and together all set standards for our quality management.” Warning: The quality manual is no “Cookbook for new employees” forget about the claim that your quality manual for every conceivable situation the correct “specifically claims steps. Readers from various work areas can flexibly adjust the guidelines in their day-to-day business. What is right for the Development Department, can be applied in the production not easily. In the manual, rather hold the responsibility fixed and chance the implementation in detail the individual department heads. Learn more about this with Carrier. To run with your quality manual help of your colleagues successfully a there are always critics, complain the guidelines, instructions, and forms as bureaucracy. The reason is often simply inertia or the concern that such guidelines be used to control. Seriously these resistors and illustrate the workload for all concerned: common guidelines reduce the errors in the process and improve the communication between colleagues, since all speak the same language. Imagine the benefits of the manual in the foreground: you develop a common understanding of the quality management. The manual provides a description of an area as needed.

Digital Textile Printing

The digital textile printing is a new form of the print (clear) textiles. The special thing about this type of textile printing is that no form of pressure is needed, what has raised some advantages, but also some drawbacks in the industrial production. Because no more templates must be made, a textile production can be faster than introduce into the analog process, so a time saver. Depending on the principle after the paints which material is used, is also possible to save it (water and energy savings) the omission of detergents and Fixierbadern costs, are made, hardly differs from the a standard digital printer. Here are the colors directly from the available process colours”mixed. The difference is in the amount of colors. Where a typical digital printer has only 4 colors (CMYK), 6 or more colors used for the digital textile printing, to enlarge the range of printable colors.

Many of the newer textile printer work with the primary colors: cyan, Magenta, yellow, black, light magenta and light cyan. However, even printers with up to 12 colours are not uncommon. Of course not the same inks used in digital textile printing, home found the paper printer. Depending on the material, the printer requires special ink. In the following we want to refer briefly three types of inks and their related materials.

Reactive inks are used especially for natural and so-called CEL regenerated fibres. Here a steam treatment and a sour after wash is required after printing. Acid inks are suitable for animal and some synthetic fibers. “Although as counterpart” the above reactive inks are known, they must as these are fixed with water vapor, need but then a basic (alkaline) laundry. Pigment-based inks used to print the pigments in the fibers. They are thus suitable for almost every fiber and tissue types that have a percentage of cotton. The pigments are ground very finely for the area of textile printing a uniform size to get. This has the positive effect that do not clog the nozzle in the pressure. Despite the enormous possibilities and savings of digital textile printing, there are some issues that must still be eradicated in this technique. Still being researched on this technique further, and soon that could replace the traditional textile printing.

Key Technology

BAY TO BIO on September 10 to guest of CAN GmbH Hamburg, September 2008 What does today’s nanotechnology for Health Sciences? BAY TO BIO foundation life science Nord e.V. in the Center for applied nanotechnology (CAN) invited yesterday to a discussion board. \”Experts the potentials of nanotechnology for the life sciences before including CAN – Managing Director Dr. For more specific information, check out Ali Partovi. Frank Schroder-Oeynhausen, Dipl.-ing. Niko Barsch of the laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Get all the facts and insights with Marc Mathieu, another great source of information.

and Dr. Jorn Borgert the Philips technology GmbH. At Ali Partovi you will find additional information. nanotechnology for Diagnostics and therapy functional nanoparticles playing of molecular recognition, so the solution of diagnostic and therapeutic problems, an increasingly important role\”, so Schroder Oeynhausen in his lecture on the nanotechnology to the CAN. On the basis of patent-protected technologies we are able to develop nanoparticles for molecular detection according to customer requirements and to produce.\” Such particle systems as a contrast sharpened are used Material in imaging diagnostic techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging or newly developed by the Philips technologie GmbH, the procedure of magnetic particle Imaging (MPI). Nano is of ever increasing importance for the life sciences\”, said BAY TO BIO – Board member Dr.-ing. Franz-Peter Marx. With this event we could stretch a substantive range from commissioned research to practical medical applications.\” BAY TO BIO is the biggest North German network for companies in the biotechnology, medical technology and pharmaceutical industries. As industry-specific information and communication forum, BAY TO brings together stakeholders from business, science and politics in Hamburg and Schleswig Hostyn BIO. \”Innovation tour of the Chamber of Commerce to guest of CAN GmbH is on the 23rd of September the innovation tour explore! research\” of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce under the theme tailor-made surfaces: from nano particles to the functional layer \”guest at the CAN GmbH. We very pleased, hosted by research \”explore!’ to and to be able to present latest developments of CAN GmbH to an interested participants\”, so the CAN Chief Executive about the consideration on the innovation tour.

Social Network

New portal of the Fraunhofer initiative connects teachers and creates new learning opportunities what’s new from the Roberta network? Where can I get materials for the courses of my robot? And who helps me with the lesson preparation? Get answers to these and many other questions teacher “and” coaches “of the Fraunhofer initiative” Roberta learning with robots from now in direct contact with the teacher network and the team of the Fraunhofer Institute for intelligent analysis and information systems IAIS. The new Internet portal features in the sense of a social network for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and teaching and learning. This simplifies the access to the great Roberta community and to support cooperation among teachers in the Roberta network. The development of the portal was promoted by the Fraunhofer Academy. Teachers put into throughout Germany Roberta concept successfully into the Schulunterreicht children with the programming of LEGO-robots playful for. Natural sciences and technology to inspire. It is important to teach students technical content exciting experiments and steadily develop teaching through the exchange of experience with other teachers.

To the participants of Roberta network in the future even better with each other network and exchanging content for teaching with Roberta, the Fraunhofer IAIS has provided portal now his Roberta-on new, interactive legs. The Roberta teacher get in the new portal not only a more extensive care and provision of teaching materials, but can support each other “, says Thorsten Leimbach, project manager of Roberta initiative at the Fraunhofer IAIS. The new community features of the portal make this possible: In Forum can be replaced the teachers experience and to give tips to carry out training. And acute questions and problems, they quickly find answers in the FAQ. The community is a central component of the portal, emphasizes. Leimbach. Strengthens the community of Roberta network and makes visible, all actors so that the right person is always quickly found and directly accessible.

Madrid and the European Parliament

Action in Madrid, particularly relevant in view of the fact that shortly The European Parliament will decide whether a total ban on seal products in 27 countries in the block. Russian campaign against the Russian environmentalists harp seal fishery 'Do not beat lying! " held March 15 in Moscow at the Swamp area. Participants in the action brought with them posters and pictures depicting the seals and the demand to stop all hunting of the animal. At this event, the deputy head of Mitvol and tv presenter Michael Shirvindt. Note that in 2008, the International Fund for Animal Welfare has collected more than 300 thousand signatures against the seal hunt, and handed them to the mep, then the ministry has started work on a gradual prohibition of fishing. So, now already banned fishing whitecoats (seal pups at the age of one month), but animal welfare advocates a total ban on hunting of harp seals. Similar events were held in 20 Russian cities. Recall that in late February in force prepared Rosrybolovstvo 'Regulation of fishing for northern fisheries basin', which prohibit the production of females at rookeries and pups (Harp seal pups under two weeks) throughout the White Sea, as well as limit the duration of extraction seal pups older than two weeks (serok). Currently, a joint project engineering and technology center 'RDC' and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) will conduct satellite monitoring of the White Sea in order to detect the movement of ships and laid the navigable channels through the ice fields in the locations of harp seals that can help protect their populations.