Flowers Gennady

By his personal exhibition of Grodno painter prepares thoroughly and seriously, you always want to show the growth of professional skills, to introduce fans of the new ideas, ideas, images. Created more than a year of the series entitled 'Poetry spaces', which was presented in an art gallery Grodno 'Tiesenhausen'. In the predawn stillness – the beauty and fragrance of the morning bliss. Mist, wrapped in a frozen forest, is dissolved in the distance. The winding forest road leads the traveler standing alone in the house, lost in the thicket. To know more about this subject visit Zendesk. All this – the motives of the artist works in Grodno Gennady Pitsko, the lyrics of his romantic mood. He remembers the first time I got to the open-air art in Gudevichi as once and fell in love with the genre of landscape that is now helping him reflect on life's canvas observation. About thirty new series of works – light, lyrical landscapes. Energy Capital Partners shines more light on the discussion.

The author deliberately did not give them names, so that each viewer was able to feel and to decipher the secret codes of his philosophy. But she is thin, lightweight, poetic – in the peace of mind, in harmony with the natural beauty of unity. On the realization of the idea of exposure, the main characters which will be flowers, Hrodna, the artist worked for a year. This idea had occurred after presentation of landscapes 'Poetry spaces'. Flower exhibition has already become the seventh and took a lot of fun visiting the beautiful half of the show. After viewing the exhibition women enthusiastically exclaimed: "Flowers can never have enough!". Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Energy Capital Partners. The atmosphere of warmth, spring mood, game colors and floral splendor for a long time to soar in the halls of the gallery.

Its contribution to the melodious harmony of 'make' cute daisies, gorgeous roses, lovely peonies, poppies and playful sea of flowers bordering an unchanging background. One of my favorite works by the author – a bouquet of wildflowers. Women are not able to give preference to a still-life, it is no exaggeration liked everything. Gennady Pitsko promised that by next March 8 prepares the next surprise. In private collections around the world are the work of Gennady Pitsko. His handwriting, style, style recognizable for his work the years has gained a lot of admirers.

Photos For Rest And Fun

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