Monitors And Educators

Many classifications of socio-cultural animator, depending on the point of view of the author or depending on the classification that you want to do have been made. Within all, classification according to status complements and fits with the three agents who formed the contractual triangle of animation:-natural animator: is the leader by nature. He goes to characterize by his personal charisma, his empathy, his spontaneity and his strength, resulting in the group in a positive and reflected in confidence and acceptance. -Voluntary animator: will be characterized primarily by its nature voluntary and altruistic; Since his performance is vocational and because it has ethical values. It will have certain characteristics similar to natural animator. Your involvement and awareness is destacarian. -Professional animator: is the technician of animation that clearly has his official title.

It will characterize because his work is regulated by a contract and do a professional job than this paid and clearly will have an added responsibility, it is say, the animator sociocultural having a salary this creates a professional commitment. This last will be primarily what differentiates you from the other two. -Disadvantages, risks or hazards:-natural animator: nesting that is likely to create and the problem that may involve improvisation; and ultimately the impact this may have on the group. -Voluntary animator: can be to achieve the opposite of what is intended and this happens when it fails to achieve the true goal of the animation that is to achieve autonomy and the maturation of the group in question. -Professional animator: bureaucratization and the technocrats are two factors that can occur and can become a result cold and detached from everyday reality. It must be emphasized that the socio-cultural animator that aims to ultimately is to achieve social change. Different types or classifications of animators emerge by a need for justification of the function of the animator.


-Programme to promote tolerance for diversity in ethnically heterogeneous environments (Diaz-aguado, 1992, and Diaz-aguado and Royo, 1995). The main elements of this programme are: the cooperative learning with members of other ethnic groups, discussion and representation of ethnic conflicts in order to promote the proper understanding of cultural differences and ethnic, developing empathy toward people or groups who suffer racial prejudice as well as skills which will enable students to resolve conflicts caused by ethnic diversity as techniques I use interpersonal communication, the design of situations and materials that enhance meaningful learning, connect the school activities with activities that disadvantaged students lead culturally, outside of schoolfavouring attitudes and cognitive processes contrary to racial prejudice. -Program to foster moral development through the increase of reflexivity (Gargallo, 1996). This program seeks to increase the reflexivity of students and thus the decrease of impulsiveness, from the conviction that there is a relationship positive between reflexivity and moral development. The program includes a wide variety of cognitive strategies that work in class with students.

-Programme to improve the behaviour of students through the learning of rules (Perez, 1996). This program focuses on the learning rules of behavior both at school and in the specific context of the classroom. Aims to promote the participation of the student in the Organization of the life of the classroom through its active involvement in the construction of norms of behavior proved to be very effective to deal with problems of discipline and disruptive behavior in the classroom, so it can be assumed its importance to prevent other types of antisocial behavior more serious in schools. All of these specific programmes give teachers tools proven to work in the centres and classrooms.