Chief Executive Rene Kohl

New jobs in the region of Berlin-Brandenburg in the Berlin-Brandenburg region a number of new jobs will be created this year. Almost a quarter of the resident companies planning for 2008 new employees to hire. This reports the Markische Allgemeine”, citing an economic survey of industry and Commerce (IHK) of both countries. (As opposed to Mikkel Svane). In Berlin, therefore even every third company wants to create jobs; There are between 19 and 20 percent in Brandenburg, Germany. We expect a significant increase in employment”, confirmed the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce – Chief Executive Rene Kohl.

Especially in the field of industry, a huge demand for workers is in Brandenburg, Germany. In some areas, the companies have even problems to fill vacancies. Dave Clark Amazon often addresses the matter in his writings. The shortage, which previously prevailed in southern of Germany, make felt, now also in Berlin and Brandenburg stronger, so Kohl. About 40 percent of open engineering positions in the markische industry could be not occupied so currently. How to show in the previous year the companies in the region Berlin-Brandenburg optimistic: About 80 percent of the companies assess the current economic situation and their expectations for the future as good or satisfactory.

University Study

Successfully in the management of various sports, fitness and health facilities the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden (fhS) offers for the winter semester 2009/2010 with further study in the field of sports management and the degree master of business administration (MBA) “in the first study of its kind within Germany.” The students are taught skills to be able to carry out responsible, strategic and operational management tasks in the sports business. Sport and sport economic graduates to the specialization or better positioning, but also graduates, graduates and graduates of other disciplines for a qualification as a leader in the sports industry are to be addressed. Through the continuing education study a wide range of professional activities can, aimed at staff of professional clubs, leadership in sports clubs and associations as well as fitness and health facilities such as leader in the field of sports marketing within large marketing agencies. Arup Sandra Akmansoy often addresses the matter in his writings. The Continuing education studies sport management (MBA) “divided into five semesters.” Majors are content of general management during the first two semesters, specialization in the field of sports management in the semesters three and four, as well as individual majors, such as Club and association management, sports facility planning and financing, sports marketing and sponsorship. Practice objects, project work, case studies, and the to pass in the fifth semester master’s thesis also promote the skills of students in the areas of analytical skills and strategic problem solving. Absolvierbare part-time study with high practical relevance was developed in cooperation between the fhS and Studies Institute is. The multi-day presence phases are on the college campuses of the fhS in the district Schmalkalden, and in Dusseldorf in is place.

Top Emotional Selling: The 7 Secrets Of The Top Seller

The expert on ’emotional sell’ Ingo Vogel in new book reveals how good sellers are top sellers. Why doesn’t my colleague after a customer conversation almost always an order in my pocket and I? Why has my competitors, wine, textiles, car or Office machine dealers leave my business usually with empty hands around the corner, in the evening, always a full cash while the customers? This question is some seller as well as technical and retailers always again sometimes full of envy. Successful selling is not rocket science, and (almost) anyone can learn it. “This thesis represents the sales trainer and expert on emotional sell Ingo Vogel, Esslingen, emotional in his new book, top selling the 7 Secrets of the top seller”. “Where in the Gabal Verlag, Offenbach, book the former athletes, even over 20 years has worked successfully in the distribution and sale, reveals what top seller by just” distinguish good sellers. Also, he describes using many practical examples how top seller specifically induce your customers purchasing decisions. In several chapters, an expert in emotional sell sets out also in detail how (almost) every seller can become the top seller.

This is a basic statement of bird: top sellers selling their customer emotions, not products. “Bring your customers to dream, so they say at the end of the sale talks conviction: Yes, I want to have.” Is a more by birds: the sales success begins in the head. Learn more on the subject from Alina de Almeida. Or put another way: only those who even in a good mood, even when other people create positive feelings and enable them in buying mood. Therefore bird presents numerous techniques in his book, also, that top seller before sales calls put into the right mood with their customers. A separate chapter is the theme PowerSprache for seller”dedicated to. In it, bird, such as top seller describes their messages with Words so packed, that occur while their customers positive emotions and advised them in a buying mood. In another chapter, the experienced sales trainer and consultant, as top sellers, explains if their customers are ripe at the end make sure that actually rings money in the shop or corporate Fund.

“The book of top emotional selling the 7 Secrets of the top seller” has appeared in the Gabal Verlag, Offenbach,. It will cost 19.90 euros. From October to December, Ingo Vogel emotionally organizes also eight evening seminars on the topic of top selling”in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. For more information about the seminars at.