Specific programs of ambient education and recycling developed by companies of the sector in partnership with schools, beneficient clubs and entities have despertado the interest each bigger time of the society for the recycling; O high aggregate value of the aluminum scrap iron stimulates the recycling of other materials, giving force to an important instrument when it is said in recycling: the selective collection, that comes gaining space in some Brazilian cities; A recycling saves up to 95% of the energy electric necessary for the productive process. The products developed from this project are of low ambient impact, and are inserted inside of a context of preservation of the environment, for being done with the reaproveitamento of what he would be harmful for the nature. Exactly it will be had disarranges of the product, the silver could be melted and if to transform into another jewel and the lens will be able to inside receive a new clipping to be inserted of a new drawing. 5.2.RECICLAGEM IN the SELEO OF the PRODUCT this to create this product, is collected in the Optics Ana Maria and the Labonorte (Deliverer of lenses of eyeglasses) the blocks and made unusable pieces of lenses. After that they are separate for curves, size, type, thickness and color.
The lenses that already will have passed for burnishing, coloration and clipping in technological maquinrio of high definition will be sent the jewel workshop to receive the contour in silver in accordance with the 950 drawings technician. All these processes that involve the product at the moment are terceirizados. WAX CANDLE OF NAZAR In the city of Belm of Par, as well as in many cities of the interior of the state, occurs a wax candle in homage to the padroeira saint of the city. In as the sunday of October, the wax candle of Ns Sr de Nazar, the biggest procession of faith of the paraense people happens.