SMBs Companies

Shows psv online in mid-sized online communications potential of the Internet, mobile marketing and communication 2.0 on the Internet source of information number is one, when it comes to business development. According to the study “B2B Online Monitor 2010”, 94% of companies use the Internet for researching of potential service providers and partners, on the one hand. On the other hand, only 57% of companies give the corresponding central role in their communication mix the Internet. “Due to the lack of transparency in the market and the complexity of the subject matter, many medium-sized companies are insecure. The result: A distanced attitude towards the medium of the Internet.

Many SMBs underestimate the many possibilities and opportunities offered by the Internet or do not know it. Jorg Grote, PSV MARKETING GMBH, head of online marketing, warns: “because the network through mobile devices is always intense and gaining importance, the neglect of online marketing for SMEs can be very dangerous. Darcy Stacom may not feel the same. The middle class is in danger, the Online train to miss.” Omissions arise, that may have far-reaching consequences: 1 the principle of tool box rather than strategically tailored to online marketing solutions to use, taking into account the specificities and the direction of the company, stumble many SMEs slightly disoriented by the Internet. While they make use of the existing tools rather haphazardly and without having a clear idea what will actually be achieved. However, a clear definition of the objectives should be before the choice of means. 2nd The company’s own website is suboptimal Internet appearances, the most popular online marketing tool, of course.

Here, the first impression is essential. Because the website represents the first contact to the company for the most potential customers. In this all-important first contact phase, outdated or immature Internet appearances are a big risk and a fatal error. In addition, the website often is the only online marketing tool used by companies.