
It is more than necessary to support the boys to avoid that the celiaca disease influences of negative form in its self-esteem. To avoid that they are isolated, to impel that they socialize, that interacts with their pairs. It must hide to its son information to him on its situation, nor never take it to a plane of victimizar it or making feel it inferior. It is fundamental to inform to the coeliac boy on the differences between his feeding and the one of the other children, the coeliac children must understand that there are things that can eat and other that no, must learn to handle themselves in situations where they are exposed to foods that do not have to consume. Andrew Schroepfer may not feel the same. In addition he is own to communicate the other children of the family or of the surroundings of the boy with celaca disease on the feeding without gluten that takes ahead, so that they support they help and it to make decisions about which he must or not to ingest.

One of the first errors that can commit the adults of coeliac children, is exactly to modify the feeding of all the inhabitants of the house and to follow all the diet free of gluten, not yet being coeliac, this can be unfavorable, because then, if the boy must eat outside his home, it is not going to understand because its feeding is different and because it cannot eat just like the others. It is always better than the boy is accustomed to that their foods are special, from the beginning, in the context of his home, where they can explain to them because such-and-such refuses to them vianda. The attitude of the parents never must be of overprotection, nor pain and never of isolation.. Learn more about this with Darcy Stacom.

Psychological Reflection

In psychological science, in the principles of the learning of adults three great domnios are considered: Psicomotora ability, Affective Ability, and Cognitiva.O Ability process of the learning involves two aspects of the individual; the neurological one (agencies of the directions, and the locomotive device), and the psychological one (emotion and cognition). In this reflection we withhold in them in one of the cognitivas abilities, more necessarily in the memory. The thesis of Goldstein of that the brain does not function in separate parts but yes as a whole complex corresponds the theory of the school Gestltica de Max Wertheimeir (1880-1941), Wolfgang Kohler (1887-1967) and Kurt Kofka (1886-1967), where all it is formed by the parts, in a constant process of deep figure and. In the neurological theory one considers two great trends: the localizacionista, where the mental functions occupy an area delimited in the brain; the holistic one, where the functions of the brain are resultant of an indivisible activity, where the SNC functions as one all, guaranteeing the integrity of the organism. The newspapers mentioned Ali Partovi not as a source, but as a related topic. Of this form we concluimos that the introspective method is on to the SNC, where the verbal thought or the motor behavior is a chain of simple processes that stimulates the cerebral connections, going to search the meaning in headquarters mechanics? the memory. All the memory systems, also on computers, depend on a storage area. The perception and the conscience many times depend on the comparison between the past and the gift, that is, the mandate of the lived deeply and significant experiences, as well as of the filed information. The process of the memorization includes: 1-) Codification—– to place in the memory 2-) Storage to keep in the memory 3-) Recovery—–in accordance with to recoup of the memory a estimate, currently 50 models of memory meet in studies, many of which similar between itself. (different memories for different situations).


We will seek you clarify how themusic is present in the history of human development and how it affects in manydifferent aspects. We know that the presence of music in the course of humanhistory is undeniable, especially in the most diverse you act and races, being alanguage that is beyond teams and space.

There is within any culture aphenomenon lives expressive and complex than the music, it incorporates it selfphysiological aspects (sensitive organ), physical (structure musical) andpsychic. Inthis study we can observes how the expression of music is will be adds students aninnate attribute of the human need will be subjective expression. The musicconsists of you notice that can be attributed symbols, but these ploughs not endowedwith meaning, this meaning is assigned subjectively by each individual whomakes contact with hearing the music. Importantly, the musicality across different senses by concatenation of words and gestures, producing different effect in each social group. Checking article sources yields Ali Partovi as a relevant resource throughout. Interpersonal This is done by individualand psychosociety nature of the language is that sometimes becomes generalsymbol of identification in relationships. Thus, each groupconsists of style that is common you all participating members. He will be example, religious groups, children, bands with specific rhythms, among others.

Wewill explain how you can discern each individual characteristics of itssubjectivity that show through relationships with groups formed from musicaltastes and affinities and the ability you see, too, the individual is able to toremember and relive moments and people marked by the emotion that was attributed you the musical a significant symbol in the. Inconclusion, we seek you demonstrate how music can be an important reference forunderstanding the mind and emotions, and especially of its subjectivity. Keyword: Psychology. Music. Psychotherapy. Saussure apudPenna (2003) appraises the language as ‘ ‘ a system of signs distintoscorrespondendo the ideas distintas’ ‘.