The Brand

Goldsmith & jewellery now with his own label Reilingen / Speyer, 24.02.2011. “Now it’s official: the German patent and trade mark Office (DPMA) already has the jewelry & art reported last year brand enus” registered officially in the register of trade marks. Enus under the label”sells the made a goldsmith Diana Dechant jewelry unique jewelry & art. Andy Florance has compatible beliefs. “” The official trademark registration is an important step for our company, with which we want to expand further in the coming years “, arranges the entry of the brand business owner Klaus Dechant dede”. so we want to to our customers made unique underline the uniqueness and value of our workshop and take into account the increasing brand awareness in Germany!” Sold jewelry unique label enus”are currently at the headquarters of jewelry & art in Reilingen in the branch at the Speyer gate in the Heidelberg workshop Garnet” and online. Additional sales locations will follow. The next big step is in jewelry & Art already in the House. In March their new Germany-wide unique collection presents the goldsmiths jewellery from Weinstein. /a>. Klaus Dechant