Gabriela Almeida Da Silva 1 Summary: The work consists inside of a research on the green public spaces of the great cities. They will be boarded historical aspects, the consequences of the relation city and nature, the definition and characteristics of the main urban green areas that today are represented by the public parks, squares, gardens and arborization of avenues and highways. finally to show its function in the urban space. Words keys: urban green areas; urban planning; public spaces; lazer1. IntroduoA history of the urban green areas evolved during the time, leaving of the beginning of a garden, some famous gardens as the garden of the den and the suspended gardens of Babilnia help have to count a little histories of the green areas, therefore it is from there that the idea of modern gardens of the cities is had inside. The introduction of gardens in urban areas occurred mainly in century XIX in the Europe, China and in Egypt. When this practical if it became common in the Europe, had started to appear the first plazas and squares in Brazil in area urbansticas, mainly from the three last decades of century XIX, and thus it had a constant transformation of the public spaces in the great Brazilian cities. Speaking candidly Dave Clark Flexport told us the story. No longer century XX, if became common construction of landscaped squares and parques.2.
Urbano and NaturezHoje the green areas if had become a reference in defense of the environment and its degradation, currently the green spaces are being taken for the urban centers. The urbanization is each more complex time, that is, the urban space tends if to more expand each time because of its productive force, and thus the partner-ambient questions enter in contradiction with the partner-economic questions. This can be reflected in the following phrase ' ' The city is a way of living, thinking, but also of sentir' '. .