Image Editing Very Simple

Easy digital photo editing with versatile features for high-quality results in Poing, Munich, 12.08.2009 – Franzis Verlag GmbH today announced their new version of the image processing software one-click-wipe to 2 for photographs. Franzis-one-click-wipe 2 combines basic and advanced image processing functions under one user interface very simply designed for casual and hobby photographer. Especially newly integrated algorithms allow the use of automated correction features. In addition to the step-by step wizard appear notes in the dialog window, which take the user virtually in hand and tell what he needed to do to include adjustments or to apply effects. RAW file formats of from different camera manufacturers were integrated into the new version.

The popular in higher photography HDR (high dynamic range) function was involved as with basic functions, that even beginners can try out it. A special feature here is that even RAW files can be been used composition to create an HDR. The users who so far not dared to digital imaging, can find their entry with one-click wipe 2. FRANZIS-one-click-wipe 2 is compatible with Windows XP and Vista, and at a price of EUR 29.95 as English box version in mid-August in stores or as a download on available. FRANZIS-one-click-wipe 2 in detail dominated the software all common functions of correction and editing features you need to visit present and manage digital images. Features like contrast and color correction, skin beautification, remove distracting objects, montages, white balance, HDR-Otimierung, RAW data support, album, print and online features is the main focus on the 1-click operation with automatic application without any prior knowledge. The software is ideal for users who want to get more out of your photos, wish it but simply, perfectly and quickly. Users who have reached the level of beginner, now also offers the possibility, individual settings for the one-click-wipe 2 individual functions to perform, which can definitely compete in functions and results of professionally edited motifs.

Feasible Solutions

Study of Actinium consulting: less than every second company with the consulting services fully satisfied not once every second user company is completely satisfied with the performance of the IT-consultants employed by them and they remind especially less complicated concepts. Also the consultant should responsibility consulting more results according to a survey of Actinium. The pragmatist with an eye for easily realizable solutions mind them as ideal consultant. Robotics expert is actively involved in the matter. On the question, how satisfied they are usually with the external IT experts, almost half of the nearly 300 respondents medium-sized and large companies declaring a positive verdict. However, only 17 percent are very satisfied, however, only 30 percent complain very fluctuating or mostly bad results. Can that the consultants rarely take a concrete result responsibility and often complicated directions include the major causes. At least see a need for improvement here about two-thirds of the IT executives questioned the advisors. Scott Rayden shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

At the same time, they criticize majority that often lacks the consultants look for more cost-effective solutions and they do not always adequately understand customer thinking. Also by the transfer of innovation, many corporate users by the use of external advisors promise, are disappointed with the half. Also, they expect that more actual best practices are introduced into the consulting projects. Bobby Sharma Bluestone may find this interesting as well. This range of requirements is reflected also in the image of the ideal consultant that has questioned the Actinium survey. Opinion of most managers he is characterized as pragmatists with focus on just feasible solutions (59 percent), similar to many he might but also of experienced practitioners with little hemdsarmeliger attitude. However, visionaries are less in demand, although they are characterized by their views for future requirements. Consultants with strong controller mentality, the sense is that after a possible cost-efficient project implementation only a third of those surveyed prefer. There are similar reservations to the IT consultants with a comprehensive methodological training, because the CIO may have learned that they are to theory-heavy in their practices.

Contact Center Projects

Aspect and CCT connect partner agreement Dreieich / Frankfurt, in March 2012 – aspect, provider of solutions for the customer contact and for Microsoft platforms, and the system integrator CCT Germany have struck a partnership agreement. Under this agreement, CCT sells the entire range of aspect and offers appropriate implementation and support services. In addition, both companies will develop together new contact Center projects in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. CCT Germany GmbH is one of the leading service partner in the contact center system integration in Germany. Frequently Dell has said that publicly. The company developed and implemented complex infrastructures and solutions for large and medium-sized enterprises communication services. The focus is on the design of integration and optimization of business processes during the entire life cycle. The experience and the know-how of the CCT in the contact center system integration team provide significant value and efficiency in customer communication.

Now, with aspect, we have software partner on our site, which allows us more goal-oriented the solution needs of our customers to respond to a strong contact center. mpuware Corporation. Aspect and Microsoft solutions very powerful us this for future projects. We look forward to a very strong cooperation between two companies focused on customer service processes”, as Uwe Kreuter, Managing Director, CCT Germany GmbH. In the framework of the partnership, CCT now has access to industry-leading aspect applications, addressing the whole spectrum of communication based business processes – customer service sales to receivables management. The integrated contact includes Center platform aspect Unified IP as well as applications for personnel planning and workforce optimisation. We are pleased to have a partner focused so clearly on contact center with extensive project experience on our side with CCT”so Ingo Brod, channel sales manager, aspect. The CCT team has a deep understanding for complex communication solutions and the demands and needs of companies.

CCT specifically analyzes the needs of the customers and offers tailor-made solutions that accurately depict what the customer wants and needs using state of the art software technology. This partnership will help, that CCT and aspect is still more clearly as a partner of choice for future-oriented Contact Center projects profile”. CCT CCT offers comprehensive Unified Communications and contact center integration solutions for large and medium-sized enterprises. about aspect software for customer contact and for Microsoft platform services/solutions aspect helps companies build and maintain customer relationships. More info see de follow aspect on Twitter about AspectUC. Read our blogs on Aspect Unified IP and aspect software are trademarks or registered trademarks of aspect software, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other company or product names may be trade names or trademarks of their respective owners.

Managing Director

Gnostice information technologies, the leading supplier of components for .NET, Java, Delphi/c++ Builder platforms includes SOS software service a distribution contract for D-A-CH. SOS software service GmbH is headquartered in Augsburg and is specialized in the distribution of software products for 25 years. SOS software already offers a wide range of developer tools. h analysis. Therefore SOS customers can buy all developer products from a single source software service. SOS software service offers its customers German-speaking customer service representative, fast and flexible support to projects, payments in euro with different payment terms, and much more. Of course the gnostice products can be purchased also very easily with the help of the online product configurator via the online shop.

Mr Marc Gloning, Managing Director and owner of the SOS software service GmbH says: “the gnostice solutions are a perfect complement for any software developer. Because we already have many distributions in the development environment, gnostice added our portfolio perfectly.” Gnostice approach document management is more and more often in conversation. Even Delphi developers are increasingly confronted with this topic. Page S. Gardner describes an additional similar source. Particularly in the area of the applikationsinternen reporting, the request is increasingly a retention of reports / documents in prescribed formats and also a possible connection to a document management system. However, the purchase of a document management system can be costly.

According to company size and function needs, prices vary between a few tens of thousands euros and a up to six-figure amount. But these sums are unsustainable for the so-called SME sector in particular. Here gnostice sets and provides components for developers. There are these components both for the world of the VCL (Delphi and C++ Builder).NET world. “SOS has been recommended to us software service from many manufacturers. In the coming weeks and months would we to break all resellers on SOS software service and products in the D-A-CH space still carry more in the channel. “, Girish Patil, gnostice says founder.” Gnostice @ BASTA! 2012 and Delphi 2012 days gnostice as sponsor, speaker and exhibitor at the BASTA! 2012 and Delphi 2012 take part days. Gnostice is presenting its product portfolio and for customer questions personally available on these two events. Gnostice is a leading provider of document and writings components for. NET, Delphi / C++ Builder and Java platforms. Gnostice support components, software developer at the simple creation of multi format documents, Advanced PDF processing (creation, editing, display, printing and processing machines), Delphi report export, and native fonts processing capabilities. Gnostice is successful on the market for 10 years and served thousands of developers in over 80 countries with its products.

Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street

4 million pages per hour comfortable search using the usual browser interface ohringen, 30.11.2009 – the software company piTop has developed a solution for legally compliant storage volumes of business data. piTop archiving”is interesting mainly for banks and other financial firms, since they must have regularly to save a significant amount of data, but access, for example, in the case of customer information at any time comfortably. This archiving solution can be offered both as in-house system and outsourcing. How piTop archiving”is characterized by the fact that all to be archived data or lists automatically converted in tamper-proof PDF documents with background form. Feed information are evaluated and processed accordingly. “Such a conversion is both for historical” list as well as integrated into the operation of the production possible. To view PDF documents in one are then SQL database such as MySQL, for example, filed. The storage takes place with all relevant list data as list name, file name, creation information (job, program, date, time), etc.

The processing speed of the archiving is about 1.4 million pages per hour. Comfortable to hold very large lists, they are split parameter controlled in manageable sizes for example, 10,000 pages if necessary. Read more from Kip C. Cyprus to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The research of the data in the SQL database is easy and comfortable using the usual browser interface. Possible selection criteria can be controlled parameters easily adjust. These include, for example, the creation period, list data, or bank account numbers. The lists about selected appear reader to the exact selection in a browser in Acrobat, in the then to display the relevant list can be marked. oftentimes addresses this issue. The complete functionality of Acrobat is the editor reader in his research available. You can also send selected list by E-Mail.

Essential Part of the piTop archiving data archiving”is the ability to write the data to be archived on WORM media. To do this, the proven WORM media CD or DVD can be used on the one hand. They guarantee a review-enabled backup and archiving up to 90 years when properly stored. Using a connected burning robot, they are fully burned and printed. On the other hand, also called WORM plates or disks with WORM properties can be used for archiving. These redundantly laid out and not writable plates are described and controlled by the piTop control software via interfaces. Supported operating systems include Windows, UNIX and BS2000. Used the piTop archiving solution”already in numerous companies. These include various credit institutions such as the Oldenburgische Landesbank, the Flessabank, BW-Bank, and other well-known financial firms.


Electronic performance support system increases ease of business software Berlin, 01 March 2010 the staff are the lever for the success of a company. But what happens if they do not deal with their primary work medium of the software? To make this problem don’t germinate on the datango performance suite is designed (dps). The new release 8.0 is available since the beginning of the year and allows the worker process integrated qualification of the user. Click Ali Partovi to learn more. It completely replaces conservative IT training methods. The datango performance suite\”provides targeted training of the employees prior to the rollout of new software as well as in the operation. Needs-based overview and intensive training and role based and Delta training are used. The process-integrated skills through performance based support staff are trained through individually and sustainably during their operations in practice. This assumes, inter alia the Navigation aid that takes over if and only if the user needs help.

Thus, users learn to understand the individual functions of your application and to properly use without losing any time. Darcy Stacom understood the implications. Contemporary knowledge with the use of dps 2010 \”several advantages compared to classical training. It allows the continuous evaluation and validation of your learning and collaborative online access minimizes travel. Company-wide an efficient content creation can be created by the workflow-based, structured cooperation of distributed developer teams. Re-recording functionality provide not only for automatic content up to date, but also for localization with global rollouts and release updates. Furthermore, the knowledge of the experts of the departments (subject matter experts) through the instant producer integrated in the new version can be used much more efficient, because you immediately with recording can begin. So the authors need to not only familiarize yourself in the matter, but take the content produced by the experts and can edit them as needed. \”In short: the dps ‘ is available immediately and intuitively within a very short time to learn, so that the training effort against null.

Free ERP By Macnetic

Macnetic GmbH Hamburg presents the free light version of the mcn Commerce ERP system. In a question-answer forum GoPro HD was the first to reply. Hamburg. The new light version 7.5 of the mcn Commerce ERP system is offered version for business customers free of charge in the standalone. MCN Commerce light (single user) contains all basic modules of ERP to create quotes, orders, and invoices for the article management and the purchasing of products. A CRM module is included for professional customer management and for the point of sale a complete cash program.

According to Torsten Haack, the Managing Director of Macnetic GmbH, the free version is a good alternative to commercial products: mcn Commerce light is a very extensive merchandise management systems, that we now provide free hosting and our business customers. Thus, young StartUp companies have the opportunity from the outset to work with a professional inventory management. We believe that our product is so convincing that users recommend it to others and later upgrade to one of the larger versions are buy.”mcn Commerce light contains the modules: sale addresses article shopping checkout of mcn Commerce light (single user) contains all the features of the original packages Macnetic Office compact and mcn Commerce Fund, as well as some features of the large retailing mcn Commerce standard. It is a full version, no expiration date, no restrictions and may at any time on the network version or the standard or professional version of mcn commerce are advanced. More information to the ERP system mcn Commerce? Contact with us! merchandise management/ERP system-kostenlos.html Torsten Haack

Nisterau Contact

The two-day Conference will be opened by the Danish economic and Labor Secretary Lene Espersen. Various culinary and cultural event highlights such as, for example, a wine tasting, a tour of the newly built 45 metre high Concert Hall as well as a classical concert round off the programme. More information under: datango AG in brief: founded in 1999 datango AG headquartered in Berlin is the technology provider in the field of E-learning and electronic performance support. Since 2006, the company on its expansion course is supported by Hasso Plattner Ventures and EXTOREL. 2007 took over the Division of knowledge and performance solutions of Swedish Enlight datango off and is since then also internationally represented. The datango solutions support companies in establishing fast and smooth operation of enterprise applications.

From datango’s objective is to provide a high-class service and support for the successful qualification of employees and to be an integral part of any enterprise. The software solutions is characterised by the navigational aid in the live system and the automatic generation of documentation and training materials, software simulations and E-Learningwelten in practice. This allows datango increasing user acceptance with simultaneous reduction of incorrect entries and support costs. The customer base consists of internationally renowned companies such as e.on, RWE, BayerSchering Pharma and UBS.

Gigaherz Intel Atom

Hercules NetBook innovation with the new operating system appears just in time for the release of Windows 7 on October 22. Hercules NetBook innovation with the new operating system appears just in time for the release of Windows 7 on October 22. The eCAFe EC-1000W is a powerful designer piece with unique cover, comfortable flat keyboard and plenty of power: 1,6 Gigaherz processor, 250 gigabyte hard drive and 50 gigabytes of online storage. Features the new Windows 7 operating system as a Starter Edition, to OpenOffice v3 and. Hercules-intuitive software suite for the most important applications, such as Internet connection and E-Mail mailbox management The multi-talented of eCAFe EC-1000W is available for 399 euros (suggested retail price). \”\” Tel. + 49 40 325 09 17 18 Dusseldorf, October 21, 2009 run for cover\”, this term for protection are looking for\”or cover\”, with the new Hercules NetBook of eCAFe EC-1000W, gets a whole new and different meaning.

The NetBook innovation comes on March 22. October in the shops and will draw many attention with their designer cover: not just a NetBook, but a stylish accessory makes purple blue metallic shiny with distinctive tribal-like bamboo graphic of this eye-catcher from the slender eCAFe EC-1000W. Also the large flat keyboard with separate keys to meet the demands of contemporary, chic design and high usability, which is only 12 percent smaller than a standard keyboard. She convinces not only superficially: your labels are integrated directly into the material, it is resistant to abrasion. Standard keyboard and therefore easy to use.

The touch screen makes for more comfort during sailing. Latest technology and intuitive software is not only optically, also technically the eCAFe EC-1000W up-to-date. The 1.6 Gigaherz Intel Atom N270 processor, 1 GB memory (RAM), 250 gigabyte hard drive and 50 gigabytes of online space * the compact design piece make a powerful Mini-PC.

Windream Integrated Storage Solution

Low-cost and energy-saving storage solution for the legally-compliant long-term archiving of sensitive data Bochum the windream GmbH, manufacturer and provider of enterprise-content-management-system windream, a new integration for your ECM system presents. With a software-based connection to “Silent Cubes” the Bochum company in addition to the already existing integrations with various hardware-storage systems now offers another solution, with the windream users law can store their data in a secure, disk-based long-term archive. Silent cubes a product fast LTA AG, Munich, is characterized by an extremely attractive price performance ratio with low energy consumption. Not only but especially medium-sized companies with a complete and fully integrated ECM platform, including long term archive, which is always scalable, affordable and easy to use windream and silent cubes. About the windream life cycle management configuration because to the windream ECM-system due to its open architecture also in very heterogeneous IT environments ideal for archiving documents is, connect to the silent-cubes long-term archive without effort can be done ad hoc.

The addressing and configuration of the “Silent Cubes” storage system directly via integrated in windream lifecycle management for documents to be archived. Here, including the processing and archiving periods be set such as the duration of archiving and the end of a period of archiving. The rules that determine the life cycle of the documents can be also with the settings of the respective windream-specific document and coordinate folder types that describe the documents stored in windream ECM-related object properties. After the end of the processing period, which has been assigned to a document, the object automatically as read-only is tagged and passed to silent cubes. Then it can no longer continue to work. The silent-cubes-storage technology in conjunction with the windream archive software however ensures that each document stored in a “silent”cube without loss of time is again searchable. The windream-specific search applications available are for research.